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The following example demonstrates how to guarantee that Nested test classes are executed in the order specified via the Order annotation. In order to allow individual test methods to be executed in isolation and to avoid unexpected side effects due to mutable test instance state, JUnit creates a new instance of each test class before executing each test method see Test Classes and Methods.

This "per-method" test instance lifecycle is the default behavior in JUnit Jupiter and is analogous to all previous versions of JUnit. If you would prefer that JUnit Jupiter execute all test methods on the same test instance, annotate your test class with TestInstance Lifecycle.

When using this mode, a new test instance will be created once per test class. Thus, if your test methods rely on state stored in instance variables, you may need to reset that state in BeforeEach or AfterEach methods. The "per-class" mode has some additional benefits over the default "per-method" mode. Specifically, with the "per-class" mode it becomes possible to declare BeforeAll and AfterAll on non-static methods as well as on interface default methods.

The "per-class" mode therefore also makes it possible to use BeforeAll and AfterAll methods in Nested test classes. If you are authoring tests using the Kotlin programming language, you may also find it easier to implement BeforeAll and AfterAll methods by switching to the "per-class" test instance lifecycle mode. If a test class or test interface is not annotated with TestInstance , JUnit Jupiter will use a default lifecycle mode.

To change the default test instance lifecycle mode, set the junit. Lifecycle , ignoring case. This can be supplied as a JVM system property, as a configuration parameter in the LauncherDiscoveryRequest that is passed to the Launcher , or via the JUnit Platform configuration file see Configuration Parameters for details.

For example, to set the default test instance lifecycle mode to Lifecycle. Note, however, that setting the default test instance lifecycle mode via the JUnit Platform configuration file is a more robust solution since the configuration file can be checked into a version control system along with your project and can therefore be used within IDEs and your build software. To set the default test instance lifecycle mode to Lifecycle. Nested tests give the test writer more capabilities to express the relationship among several groups of tests.

In this example, preconditions from outer tests are used in inner tests by defining hierarchical lifecycle methods for the setup code.

For example, createNewStack is a BeforeEach lifecycle method that is used in the test class in which it is defined and in all levels in the nesting tree below the class in which it is defined.

The fact that setup code from outer tests is run before inner tests are executed gives you the ability to run all tests independently. You can even run inner tests alone without running the outer tests, because the setup code from the outer tests is always executed. In all prior JUnit versions, test constructors or methods were not allowed to have parameters at least not with the standard Runner implementations. As one of the major changes in JUnit Jupiter, both test constructors and methods are now permitted to have parameters.

This allows for greater flexibility and enables Dependency Injection for constructors and methods. ParameterResolver defines the API for test extensions that wish to dynamically resolve parameters at runtime.

If a test class constructor, a test method , or a lifecycle method see Test Classes and Methods accepts a parameter, the parameter must be resolved at runtime by a registered ParameterResolver. TestInfoParameterResolver : if a constructor or method parameter is of type TestInfo , the TestInfoParameterResolver will supply an instance of TestInfo corresponding to the current container or test as the value for the parameter. The TestInfo can then be used to retrieve information about the current container or test such as the display name, the test class, the test method, and associated tags.

The display name is either a technical name, such as the name of the test class or test method, or a custom name configured via DisplayName. The following demonstrates how to have TestInfo injected into a test constructor, BeforeEach method, and Test method. RepetitionInfo can then be used to retrieve information about the current repetition and the total number of repetitions for the corresponding RepeatedTest.

See Repeated Test Examples. The TestReporter can be used to publish additional data about the current test run. In addition, some IDEs print report entries to stdout or display them in the user interface for test results. While not intended to be production-ready, it demonstrates the simplicity and expressiveness of both the extension model and the parameter resolution process.

MyRandomParametersTest demonstrates how to inject random values into Test methods. For real-world use cases, check out the source code for the MockitoExtension and the SpringExtension. When the type of the parameter to inject is the only condition for your ParameterResolver , you can use the generic TypeBasedParameterResolver base class. The supportsParameters method is implemented behind the scenes and supports parameterized types.

BeforeAll and AfterAll can either be declared on static methods in a test interface or on interface default methods if the test interface or test class is annotated with TestInstance Lifecycle. Here are some examples. ExtendWith and Tag can be declared on a test interface so that classes that implement the interface automatically inherit its tags and extensions.

Another possible application of this feature is to write tests for interface contracts. For example, you can write tests for how implementations of Object. In your test class you can then implement both contract interfaces thereby inheriting the corresponding tests. JUnit Jupiter provides the ability to repeat a test a specified number of times by annotating a method with RepeatedTest and specifying the total number of repetitions desired.

Each invocation of a repeated test behaves like the execution of a regular Test method with full support for the same lifecycle callbacks and extensions. The following example demonstrates how to declare a test named repeatedTest that will be automatically repeated 10 times. In addition to specifying the number of repetitions, a custom display name can be configured for each repetition via the name attribute of the RepeatedTest annotation. Furthermore, the display name can be a pattern composed of a combination of static text and dynamic placeholders.

The following placeholders are currently supported. Thus, the display names for individual repetitions of the previous repeatedTest example would be: repetition 1 of 10 , repetition 2 of 10 , etc. If you would like the display name of the RepeatedTest method included in the name of each repetition, you can define your own custom pattern or use the predefined RepeatedTest.

In order to retrieve information about the current repetition and the total number of repetitions programmatically, a developer can choose to have an instance of RepetitionInfo injected into a RepeatedTest , BeforeEach , or AfterEach method. The RepeatedTestsDemo class at the end of this section demonstrates several examples of repeated tests.

The repeatedTest method is identical to example from the previous section; whereas, repeatedTestWithRepetitionInfo demonstrates how to have an instance of RepetitionInfo injected into a test to access the total number of repetitions for the current repeated test. The next two methods demonstrate how to include a custom DisplayName for the RepeatedTest method in the display name of each repetition. Since the beforeEach method is annotated with BeforeEach it will get executed before each repetition of each repeated test.

When using the ConsoleLauncher with the unicode theme enabled, execution of RepeatedTestsDemo results in the following output to the console. Parameterized tests make it possible to run a test multiple times with different arguments. They are declared just like regular Test methods but use the ParameterizedTest annotation instead.

In addition, you must declare at least one source that will provide the arguments for each invocation and then consume the arguments in the test method. The following example demonstrates a parameterized test that uses the ValueSource annotation to specify a String array as the source of arguments. When executing the above parameterized test method, each invocation will be reported separately.

For instance, the ConsoleLauncher will print output similar to the following. In order to use parameterized tests you need to add a dependency on the junit-jupiter-params artifact. Please refer to Dependency Metadata for details. Parameterized test methods typically consume arguments directly from the configured source see Sources of Arguments following a one-to-one correlation between argument source index and method parameter index see examples in CsvSource.

However, a parameterized test method may also choose to aggregate arguments from the source into a single object passed to the method see Argument Aggregation. Additional arguments may also be provided by a ParameterResolver e. Specifically, a parameterized test method must declare formal parameters according to the following rules.

An aggregator is any parameter of type ArgumentsAccessor or any parameter annotated with AggregateWith. Arguments that implement java. AutoCloseable or java. Closeable which extends java. AutoCloseable will be automatically closed after AfterEach methods and AfterEachCallback extensions have been called for the current parameterized test invocation.

To prevent this from happening, set the autoCloseArguments attribute in ParameterizedTest to false. Out of the box, JUnit Jupiter provides quite a few source annotations.

Each of the following subsections provides a brief overview and an example for each of them. Please refer to the Javadoc in the org. ValueSource is one of the simplest possible sources. It lets you specify a single array of literal values and can only be used for providing a single argument per parameterized test invocation.

For example, the following ParameterizedTest method will be invoked three times, with the values 1 , 2 , and 3 respectively. In order to check corner cases and verify proper behavior of our software when it is supplied bad input , it can be useful to have null and empty values supplied to our parameterized tests.

The following annotations serve as sources of null and empty values for parameterized tests that accept a single argument. NullSource : provides a single null argument to the annotated ParameterizedTest method. EmptySource : provides a single empty argument to the annotated ParameterizedTest method for parameters of the following types: java.

String , java. List , java. Set , java. Map , primitive arrays e. You can also combine NullSource , EmptySource , and ValueSource to test a wider range of null , empty , and blank input. The following example demonstrates how to achieve this for strings. Making use of the composed NullAndEmptySource annotation simplifies the above as follows.

When omitted, the declared type of the first method parameter is used. The test will fail if it does not reference an enum type. Thus, the value attribute is required in the above example because the method parameter is declared as TemporalUnit , i.

Changing the method parameter type to ChronoUnit allows you to omit the explicit enum type from the annotation as follows. The annotation provides an optional names attribute that lets you specify which constants shall be used, like in the following example.

If omitted, all constants will be used. The EnumSource annotation also provides an optional mode attribute that enables fine-grained control over which constants are passed to the test method.

For example, you can exclude names from the enum constant pool or specify regular expressions as in the following examples. MethodSource allows you to refer to one or more factory methods of the test class or external classes.

Factory methods within the test class must be static unless the test class is annotated with TestInstance Lifecycle. Each factory method must generate a stream of arguments , and each set of arguments within the stream will be provided as the physical arguments for individual invocations of the annotated ParameterizedTest method.

Generally speaking this translates to a Stream of Arguments i. The "arguments" within the stream can be supplied as an instance of Arguments , an array of objects e. If you only need a single parameter, you can return a Stream of instances of the parameter type as demonstrated in the following example.

If you do not explicitly provide a factory method name via MethodSource , JUnit Jupiter will search for a factory method that has the same name as the current ParameterizedTest method by convention. This is demonstrated in the following example.

Streams for primitive types DoubleStream , IntStream , and LongStream are also supported as demonstrated by the following example.

If a parameterized test method declares multiple parameters, you need to return a collection, stream, or array of Arguments instances or object arrays as shown below see the Javadoc for MethodSource for further details on supported return types. In addition, Arguments. An external, static factory method can be referenced by providing its fully qualified method name as demonstrated in the following example.

Factory methods can declare parameters, which will be provided by registered implementations of the ParameterResolver extension API. In the following example, the factory method is referenced by its name since there is only one such method in the test class. If there are several methods with the same name, the factory method must be referenced by its fully qualified method name — for example, MethodSource "example.

MyTests factoryMethodWithArguments java. String ". CsvSource allows you to express argument lists as comma-separated values i. Each string provided via the value attribute in CsvSource represents a CSV record and results in one invocation of the parameterized test.

The default delimiter is a comma , , but you can use another character by setting the delimiter attribute. Alternatively, the delimiterString attribute allows you to use a String delimiter instead of a single character. However, both delimiter attributes cannot be set simultaneously. By default, CsvSource uses a single quote ' as its quote character, but this can be changed via the quoteCharacter attribute.

See the 'lemon, lime' value in the example above and in the table below. An empty, quoted value '' results in an empty String unless the emptyValue attribute is set; whereas, an entirely empty value is interpreted as a null reference. By specifying one or more nullValues , a custom value can be interpreted as a null reference see the NIL example in the table below.

An ArgumentConversionException is thrown if the target type of a null reference is a primitive type. Except within a quoted string, leading and trailing whitespace in a CSV column is trimmed by default. This behavior can be changed by setting the ignoreLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace attribute to true.

Each record within a text block represents a CSV record and results in one invocation of the parameterized test. The first record may optionally be used to supply CSV headers by setting the useHeadersInDisplayName attribute to true as in the example below. In contrast to CSV records supplied via the value attribute, a text block can contain comments.

Any line beginning with a symbol will be treated as a comment and ignored. Note, however, that the symbol must be the first character on the line without any leading whitespace. It is therefore recommended that the closing text block delimiter """ be placed either at the end of the last line of input or on the following line, left aligned with the rest of the input as can be seen in the example below which demonstrates formatting similar to a table.

Thus, if you are using a programming language other than Java and your text block contains comments or new lines within quoted strings, you will need to ensure that there is no leading whitespace within your text block. CsvFileSource lets you use comma-separated value CSV files from the classpath or the local file system.

Each record from a CSV file results in one invocation of the parameterized test. The first record may optionally be used to supply CSV headers. If you would like for the headers to be used in the display names, you can set the useHeadersInDisplayName attribute to true. The following listing shows the generated display names for the first two parameterized test methods above. The following listing shows the generated display names for the last parameterized test method above that uses CSV header names.

In contrast to the default syntax used in CsvSource , CsvFileSource uses a double quote " as the quote character by default, but this can be changed via the quoteCharacter attribute. See the "United States of America" value in the example above. An empty, quoted value "" results in an empty String unless the emptyValue attribute is set; whereas, an entirely empty value is interpreted as a null reference. By specifying one or more nullValues , a custom value can be interpreted as a null reference.

ArgumentsSource can be used to specify a custom, reusable ArgumentsProvider. Note that an implementation of ArgumentsProvider must be declared as either a top-level class or as a static nested class.

To support use cases like CsvSource , JUnit Jupiter provides a number of built-in implicit type converters. The conversion process depends on the declared type of each method parameter. For example, if a ParameterizedTest declares a parameter of type TimeUnit and the actual type supplied by the declared source is a String , the string will be automatically converted into the corresponding TimeUnit enum constant.

In addition to implicit conversion from strings to the target types listed in the above table, JUnit Jupiter also provides a fallback mechanism for automatic conversion from a String to a given target type if the target type declares exactly one suitable factory method or a factory constructor as defined below.

The name of the method can be arbitrary and need not follow any particular convention. Note that the target type must be declared as either a top-level class or as a static nested class.

For example, in the following ParameterizedTest method, the Book argument will be created by invoking the Book. Instead of relying on implicit argument conversion you may explicitly specify an ArgumentConverter to use for a certain parameter using the ConvertWith annotation like in the following example.

Note that an implementation of ArgumentConverter must be declared as either a top-level class or as a static nested class. If the converter is only meant to convert one type to another, you can extend TypedArgumentConverter to avoid boilerplate type checks. Explicit argument converters are meant to be implemented by test and extension authors. Thus, junit-jupiter-params only provides a single explicit argument converter that may also serve as a reference implementation: JavaTimeArgumentConverter.

It is used via the composed annotation JavaTimeConversionPattern. By default, each argument provided to a ParameterizedTest method corresponds to a single method parameter.

Consequently, argument sources which are expected to supply a large number of arguments can lead to large method signatures. In such cases, an ArgumentsAccessor can be used instead of multiple parameters. Using this API, you can access the provided arguments through a single argument passed to your test method.

In addition, type conversion is supported as discussed in Implicit Conversion. An instance of ArgumentsAccessor is automatically injected into any parameter of type ArgumentsAccessor.

To use a custom aggregator, implement the ArgumentsAggregator interface and register it via the AggregateWith annotation on a compatible parameter in the ParameterizedTest method. The result of the aggregation will then be provided as an argument for the corresponding parameter when the parameterized test is invoked.

Note that an implementation of ArgumentsAggregator must be declared as either a top-level class or as a static nested class. The following example demonstrates this in action with a custom CsvToPerson annotation. By default, the display name of a parameterized test invocation contains the invocation index and the String representation of all arguments for that specific invocation.

Each of them is preceded by the parameter name unless the argument is only available via an ArgumentsAccessor or ArgumentAggregator , if present in the bytecode for Java, test code must be compiled with the -parameters compiler flag. However, you can customize invocation display names via the name attribute of the ParameterizedTest annotation like in the following example.

When executing the above method using the ConsoleLauncher you will see output similar to the following. Please note that name is a MessageFormat pattern. Thus, a single quote ' needs to be represented as a doubled single quote '' in order to be displayed. A custom name will be used if the argument is included in the invocation display name, like in the example below. The display name for a parameterized test is determined according to the following precedence rules:.

Each invocation of a parameterized test has the same lifecycle as a regular Test method. For example, BeforeEach methods will be executed before each invocation. You may at will mix regular Test methods and ParameterizedTest methods within the same test class. You may use ParameterResolver extensions with ParameterizedTest methods. However, method parameters that are resolved by argument sources need to come first in the argument list.

Since a test class may contain regular tests as well as parameterized tests with different parameter lists, values from argument sources are not resolved for lifecycle methods e. BeforeEach and test class constructors. A TestTemplate method is not a regular test case but rather a template for test cases.

As such, it is designed to be invoked multiple times depending on the number of invocation contexts returned by the registered providers. Thus, it must be used in conjunction with a registered TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider extension. Each invocation of a test template method behaves like the execution of a regular Test method with full support for the same lifecycle callbacks and extensions. Both describe methods that implement test cases. These test cases are static in the sense that they are fully specified at compile time, and their behavior cannot be changed by anything happening at runtime.

Assumptions provide a basic form of dynamic behavior but are intentionally rather limited in their expressiveness. In addition to these standard tests a completely new kind of test programming model has been introduced in JUnit Jupiter. This new kind of test is a dynamic test which is generated at runtime by a factory method that is annotated with TestFactory. In contrast to Test methods, a TestFactory method is not itself a test case but rather a factory for test cases.

Thus, a dynamic test is the product of a factory. DynamicContainer instances are composed of a display name and a list of dynamic child nodes, enabling the creation of arbitrarily nested hierarchies of dynamic nodes. DynamicTest instances will be executed lazily, enabling dynamic and even non-deterministic generation of test cases.

Any Stream returned by a TestFactory will be properly closed by calling stream. As with Test methods, TestFactory methods must not be private or static and may optionally declare parameters to be resolved by ParameterResolvers.

A DynamicTest is a test case generated at runtime. It is composed of a display name and an Executable. Executable is a FunctionalInterface which means that the implementations of dynamic tests can be provided as lambda expressions or method references.

The following DynamicTestsDemo class demonstrates several examples of test factories and dynamic tests. The first method returns an invalid return type. Since an invalid return type cannot be detected at compile time, a JUnitException is thrown when it is detected at runtime.

The next six methods demonstrate the generation of a Collection , Iterable , Iterator , array, or Stream of DynamicTest instances. Most of these examples do not really exhibit dynamic behavior but merely demonstrate the supported return types in principle.

However, dynamicTestsFromStream and dynamicTestsFromIntStream demonstrate how to generate dynamic tests for a given set of strings or a range of input numbers. The next method is truly dynamic in nature. Although the non-deterministic behavior of generateRandomNumberOfTests is of course in conflict with test repeatability and should thus be used with care, it serves to demonstrate the expressiveness and power of dynamic tests. For demonstration purposes, the dynamicNodeSingleTest method generates a single DynamicTest instead of a stream, and the dynamicNodeSingleContainer method generates a nested hierarchy of dynamic tests utilizing DynamicContainer.

The JUnit Platform provides TestSource , a representation of the source of a test or container used to navigate to its location by IDEs and build tools. The TestSource for a dynamic test or dynamic container can be constructed from a java. URI which can be supplied via the DynamicTest. Foo bar java. Do not think I was getting an error message. In the end I just admitted defeat. If I want to happen in a certain way, I will manually do it. Since I just got an advice about giving cudos to some of the contributors, and to possibly mark TonyAngHS or Andy Manishetti's solution as just that, here is my current thinking:.

The result of my approach is that I can roll back the installation without affecting any of my files. When I do, I notice only the least needs for attention.

And I have not lost files - except when Win10 protection failed to catch an encryption Trojan. For that I went back to Norton immediately. And, for those interested, I need to roll back windows after each attempt to update it from the original installation footprint. Something about my graphics card, I was told.

And I suspect my Tyan server board is just a little too old, and seems to cause a machine exception each time I enable Windows to update itself. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. And this, therefor, is what I put to the community: Is there an official, Microsoft approved method of changing the default installation path for all user installed programs?

Greetings from down under. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse.

Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Hi Peter, Thank you for posting in Microsoft Community. To change the default installation path, just follow below steps: 1. At the right panel, look for ProgramFilesDir.

Registry disclaimer To do so: Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. Let us know the status of the issue. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. If not, would it indeed be safe to change all relevant keys etc. When you invoke the list menu, these interactions are made accessible as menu options. The most important navigation keys common to line- or entry-based menus are shown in Table 2.

Mutt has a built-in line editor for inputting text, e. The keys used to manipulate text input are very similar to those of Emacs. See Table 2. In addition to the line editor, it can also be used to abort prompts. You can remap the editor functions using the bind command. Mutt maintains a history for the built-in editor. Mutt will remember the currently entered text as you cycle through history, and will wrap around to the initial entry line.

Mutt automatically filters out consecutively repeated items from the history. It also mimics the behavior of some shells by ignoring items starting with a space. The latter feature can be useful in macros to not clobber the history's valuable entries with unwanted entries. Similar to many other mail clients, there are two modes in which mail is read in Mutt.

The second mode is the display of the message contents. Common keys used to navigate through and manage messages in the index are shown in Table 2. In addition to who sent the message and the subject, a short summary of the disposition of each message is printed beside the message number.

Furthermore, the flags in Table 2. The pager is very similar to the Unix program less 1 though not nearly as featureful. In addition to key bindings in Table 2. Also, the internal pager supports a couple other advanced features. Mutt will attempt to display these in bold and underline respectively if your terminal supports them.

If not, you can use the bold and underline color objects to specify a color or mono attribute for them. Additionally, the internal pager supports the ANSI escape sequences for character attributes. Mutt translates them into the correct color and character settings.

The sequences Mutt supports are:. If you change the colors for your display, for example by changing the color associated with color2 for your xterm, then that color will be used instead of green.

Note that the search commands in the pager take regular expressions, which are not quite the same as the more complex patterns used by the search command in the index. This is because patterns are used to select messages by criteria whereas the pager already displays a selected message. This organizational form is extremely useful in mailing lists where different parts of the discussion diverge. Mutt displays threads as a tree structure.

In Mutt, when a mailbox is sorted by threads , there are a few additional functions available in the index and pager modes as shown in Table 2. In the index , the subject of threaded children messages will be prepended with thread tree characters.

Special characters will be added to the thread tree as detailed in Table 2. Collapsing a thread displays only the first message in the thread and hides the others. This is useful when threads contain so many messages that you can only see a handful of threads on the screen. Technically, every reply should contain a list of its parent messages in the thread tree, but not all do. In addition, the index and pager menus have these interesting functions:.

Calculate statistics for all monitored mailboxes declared using the mailboxes command. Creates a new alias based upon the current message or prompts for a new one. This command available in the index and pager allows you to edit the raw current message as it's present in the mail folder.

After you have finished editing, the changed message will be appended to the current folder, and the original message will be marked for deletion; if the message is unchanged it won't be replaced. This command is used to temporarily edit an attachment's content type to fix, for instance, bogus character set parameters.

When invoked from the index or from the pager, you'll have the opportunity to edit the top-level attachment's content type. On the attachment menu , you can change any attachment's content type. These changes are not persistent, and get lost upon changing folders. Note that this command is also available on the compose menu. There, it's used to fine-tune the properties of attachments you are going to send.

This command is used to execute any command you would normally put in a configuration file. A common use is to check the settings of variables, or in conjunction with macros to change settings on the fly.

This command wipes the passphrase s from memory. It is useful, if you misspelled the passphrase. In addition, the List-Post header field is examined for mailto: URLs specifying a mailing list address. Using this when replying to messages posted to mailing lists helps avoid duplicate copies being sent to the author of the message you are replying to. Asks for an external Unix command and pipes the current or tagged message s to it.

Mutt takes the current message as a template for a new message. This function is best described as "recall from arbitrary folders". It can conveniently be used to forward MIME messages while preserving the original mail structure.

This function is also available from the attachment menu. Asks for an external Unix command and executes it. If no command is given, an interactive shell is executed. This function will go to the next line of non-quoted text which comes after a line of quoted text in the internal pager. This function toggles the display of the quoted material in the message. It is particularly useful when being interested in just the response and there is a large amount of quoted text in the way.

The bindings shown in Table 2. Bouncing a message sends the message as-is to the recipient you specify. Forwarding a message allows you to add comments or modify the message you are forwarding. You again have the chance to adjust recipients, subject, and security settings right before actually sending the message. When replying, Mutt fills these fields with proper values depending on the reply type.

The types of replying supported are:. Reply to the author; cc all other recipients; consults alternates and excludes you.

Reply to the author and other recipients in the To list; cc other recipients in the Cc list; consults alternates and excludes you. Reply to all mailing list addresses found, either specified via configuration or auto-detected. Once you have finished editing the body of your mail message, you are returned to the compose menu providing the functions shown in Table 2. The compose menu is also used to edit the attachments for a message which can be either files or other messages. You can now tag messages in that folder and they will be attached to the message you are sending.

Note that certain operations like composing a new mail, replying, forwarding, etc. Prior to version 1. Starting with 1. It can later be changed from the compose menu. Attach: filename [ description ]. The file can be removed as well as more added from the compose menu. The selection can later be changed in the compose menu.

When replying to messages, the In-Reply-To: header contains the Message-Id of the message s you reply to. If you remove or modify its value, Mutt will not generate a References: field, which allows you to create a new message thread, for example to create a new message to a mailing list without having to enter the mailing list's address. If you intend to start a new thread by replying, please make really sure you remove the In-Reply-To: header in your editor.

Mutt will not ask you any questions about keys which have a certified user ID matching one of the message recipients' mail addresses. However, there may be situations in which there are several keys, weakly certified user ID fields, or where no matching keys can be found.

In these cases, you are dropped into a menu with a list of keys from which you can select one. When you quit this menu, or Mutt can't find any matching keys, you are prompted for a user ID. When you do so, Mutt will return to the compose screen. Once you have successfully finished the key selection, the message will be encrypted using the selected public keys when sent out.

But some explanations on the capabilities, flags, and validity fields are in order. The second character indicates the key's signing capabilities. While for text-mode clients like Mutt it's the best way to assume only a standard 80x25 character cell terminal, it may be desired to let the receiver decide completely how to view a message. After editing, Mutt properly space-stuffs the message. All leading spaces are to be removed by receiving clients to restore the original message prior to further processing.

If set, Mutt will display a landing page while the editor runs. When the editor exits, message composition will resume automatically. This allows viewing other messages, changing mailboxes, even starting a new message composition session - all while the first editor session is still running.

If there is only a single backgrounded session, which has already exited, that session will automatically resume. Otherwise the list will be displayed, and a particular session can be selected. In case the open mailbox is changed while a reply is backgrounded, Mutt keeps track of the original mailbox. After sending, Mutt will attempt to reopen the original mailbox, if needed, and set reply flags appropriately. This won't affect your currently open mailbox, but may make setting flags a bit slower due to the need to reopen the original mailbox behind the scenes.

One complication with backgrounded compose sessions is the config changes caused by send, reply, and folder hooks. These can get triggered by a new message composition session, or by changing folders during a backgrounded session. To help lessen these problems, Mutt takes a snapshot of certain configuration variables and stores them with each editing session when it is backgrounded.

When the session is resumed, those stored settings will temporarily be restored, and removed again when the session finishes or is backgrounded again. It's not feasible to backup all variables, but if you believe we've missed an important setting, please let the developers know. Background editing is available for most, but not all, message composition in Mutt.

Sending from the command line disables background editing, because there is no index to return to. Bouncing and forwarding let you send an existing message to recipients that you specify. Bouncing a message sends a verbatim copy of a message to alternative addresses as if they were the message's original recipients specified in the Bcc header. Forwarding a message, on the other hand, allows you to modify the message before it is resent for example, by adding your own comments.

In that mode all text-decodable parts are included in the new message body. At times it is desirable to delay sending a message that you have already begun to compose. This means that you can recall the message even if you exit Mutt and then restart it at a later time. Once a message is postponed, there are several ways to resume it. If multiple messages are currently postponed, the postponed menu will pop up and you can select which message you would like to resume.

If you postpone a reply to a message, the reply setting of the message is only updated when you actually finish the message and send it. Also, you must be in the same folder with the message you replied to for the status of the message to be updated. Mutt supports encrypting and signing emails when used interactively. In batch mode, cryptographic operations are disabled, so these options can't be used to sign an email sent via a cron job, for instance. The former invokes external programs to perform the various operations; it is better tested and more flexible, but requires some configuration.

Source them, either directly or by copying them to your. To perform encryption, you must set the first variable. If you have a separate signing key, or only have a signing key, then set the second. Starting with version 2. The agent in turn uses a pinentry program to display the prompt. There are many different kinds of pinentry programs that can be used: qt, gtk2, gnome3, fltk, and curses. However, Mutt does not work properly with the tty pinentry program. Please ensure you have one of the GUI or curses pinentry programs installed and configured to be the default for your system.

To perform encryption and decryption, you must set the first variable. This is set by the smime. The program can be then be used to import and list certificates. Mutt will next look for a file named.

If this file does not exist and your home directory has a subdirectory named. In addition, Mutt supports version specific configuration files that are parsed instead of the default files as explained above.

For instance, if your system has a Muttrc The same is true of the user configuration file, if you have a file. Mutt is highly configurable because it's meant to be customized to your needs and preferences. However, this configurability can make it difficult when just getting started. Among them, sample. An initialization file consists of a series of commands.

Each line of the file may contain one or more commands. You can use it to annotate your initialization file. All text after the comment character to the end of the line is ignored. The difference between the two types of quotes is similar to that of many popular shell programs, namely that a single quote is used to specify a literal string one that is not interpreted for shell variables or quoting with a backslash [see next paragraph] , while double quotes indicate a string for which should be evaluated.

For example, backticks are evaluated inside of double quotes, but not for single quotes. Lines are first concatenated before interpretation so that a multi-line can be commented by commenting out the first line only.

Example 3. Splitting long configuration commands over several lines. It is also possible to substitute the output of a Unix command in an initialization file. In Example 3. Since initialization files are line oriented, only the first line of output from the Unix command will be substituted.

Using external command's output in configuration files. To avoid the output of backticks being parsed, place them inside double quotes. For example,. Mutt expands the variable when it is assigned, not when it is used.

If the value of a variable on the right-hand side of an assignment changes after the assignment, the variable on the left-hand side will not be affected. See the Using MuttLisp section for more details. The commands understood by Mutt are explained in the next paragraphs.

For a complete list, see the command reference. Because Mutt first recodes a line before it attempts to parse it, a conversion introducing question marks or other characters as part of errors unconvertable characters, transliteration may introduce syntax errors or silently change the meaning of certain tokens e.

Mutt supports grouping addresses logically into named groups. An address or address pattern can appear in several groups at the same time. These groups can be used in patterns for searching, limiting and tagging and in hooks by using group patterns. This can be useful to classify mail and take certain actions depending on in what groups the message is.

Using send-hook , the sender can be set to a dedicated one for writing mailing list messages, and the signature could be set to a mutt-related one for writing to a mutt list — for other lists, the list sender setting still applies but a different signature can be selected. The group command is used to directly add either addresses or regular expressions to the specified group or groups.

The different categories of arguments to the group command can be in any order. The flags -rx and -addr specify what the following strings that cannot begin with a hyphen should be interpreted as: either a regular expression or an email address, respectively. These address groups can also be created implicitly by the alias , lists , subscribe and alternates commands by specifying the optional -group option.

Besides many other possibilities, this could be used to automatically mark your own messages in a mailing list folder as read or use a special signature for work-related messages. The ungroup command is used to remove addresses or regular expressions from the specified group or groups. As soon as a group gets empty because all addresses and regular expressions have been removed, it'll internally be removed, too i.

When removing regular expressions from a group, the pattern must be specified exactly as given to the group command or -group argument. It's usually very cumbersome to remember or type out the address of someone you are communicating with. The optional -group argument to alias causes the aliased address es to be added to the named group. Unlike other mailers, Mutt doesn't require aliases to be defined in a special file.

The alias command can appear anywhere in a configuration file, as long as this file is source d. Consequently, you can have multiple alias files, or you can have all aliases defined in your.

This file is not special either, in the sense that Mutt will happily append aliases to any file, but in order for the new aliases to take effect you need to explicitly source this file too.

To use aliases, you merely use the alias at any place in Mutt where Mutt prompts for addresses, such as the To: or Cc: prompt. In addition, at the various address prompts, you can use the tab character to expand a partial alias to the full alias. If there are multiple matches, Mutt will bring up a menu with the matching aliases. In order to be presented with the full list of aliases, you must hit tab without a partial alias, such as at the beginning of the prompt or after a comma denoting multiple addresses.

This command allows you to change the default key bindings operation invoked when pressing a key. Multiple maps may be specified by separating them with commas no additional whitespace is allowed. The currently defined maps are:. This is not a real menu, but is used as a fallback for all of the other menus except for the pager and editor modes.

If a key is not defined in another menu, Mutt will look for a binding to use in this menu. This allows you to bind a key to a certain function in multiple menus instead of having multiple bind statements to accomplish the same task. The alias menu is the list of your personal aliases as defined in your. It is the mapping from a short alias name to the full email address es of the recipient s. The browser is used for both browsing the local directory structure, and for listing all of your incoming mailboxes.

The editor is used to allow the user to enter a single line of text, such as the To or Subject prompts in the compose menu. The postpone menu is similar to the index menu, except is used when recalling a message the user was composing, but saved until later. The mixmaster screen is used to select remailer options for outgoing messages if Mutt is compiled with Mixmaster support. In addition, key may be a symbolic name as shown in Table 3.

For a complete list of functions, see the reference. Note that the bind expects function to be specified without angle brackets. Some key bindings are controlled by the terminal, and so by default can't be bound inside Mutt.

These terminal settings can be viewed and changed using the stty program. Once unbound e. Prior to version 2. However, starting in version 2. The default keyboard mappings set both, but you can override this or create new bindings with one or the other or both. The cd command changes Mutt's current working directory. This affects commands and functions like source , change-folder , and save-entry that use relative paths.

Using cd without directory changes to your home directory. The charset-hook command defines an alias for a character set. This is useful to properly display messages which are tagged with a character set name not known to Mutt.

The iconv-hook command defines a system-specific name for a character set. This is helpful when your systems character conversion library insists on using strange, system-specific names for character sets.

It is often desirable to change settings based on which mailbox you are reading. The folder-hook command provides a method by which you can execute any configuration command.

If a mailbox matches multiple folder-hook s, they are executed in the order given in the. The regexp parameter has mailbox shortcut expansion performed on the first character. See Mailbox Matching in Hooks for more details. Settings are not restored when you leave the mailbox. For example, a command action to perform is to change the sorting method based upon the mailbox being read:.

However, the sorting method is not restored to its previous value when reading a different mailbox. The keyboard buffer will not be processed until after all hooks are run; multiple push or exec commands will end up being processed in reverse order.

Macros are useful when you would like a single key to perform a series of actions. When you press key in menu menu , Mutt will behave as if you had typed sequence. So if you have a common sequence of commands you type, you can create a macro to execute those commands with a single key or fewer keys.

Multiple maps may be specified by separating multiple menu arguments by commas. Whitespace may not be used in between the menu arguments and the commas separating them. For a listing of key names see the section on key bindings. Functions are listed in the reference. The advantage with using function names directly is that the macros will work regardless of the current key bindings, so they are not dependent on the user having particular key definitions.

This makes them more robust and portable, and also facilitates defining of macros in files used by more than one user e. Optionally you can specify a descriptive text after sequence , which is shown in the help screens if they contain a description.

Macro definitions if any listed in the help screen s , are silently truncated at the screen width, and are not wrapped. If your terminal supports color, you can spice up Mutt by creating your own color scheme. To define the color of an object type of information , you must specify both a foreground color and a background color it is not possible to only specify one or the other.

When set, color is applied only to the exact text matched by regexp. The color name can optionally be prefixed with the keyword bright or light to make the color boldfaced or light e. The precise behavior depends on the terminal and its configuration. If your terminal supports it, the special keyword default can be used as a transparent color. The value brightdefault is also valid. The S-Lang library requires you to use the lightgray and brown keywords instead of white and yellow when setting this variable.

The uncolor command can be applied to the index, header and body objects only. It removes entries from the list. You must specify the same pattern specified in the color command for it to be removed. Mutt also recognizes the keywords color0 , color1 , This is useful when you remap the colors for your display for example by changing the color associated with color2 for your xterm , since color names may then lose their normal meaning.

For object , composeobject , and attribute , see the color command. Though there're precise rules about where to break and how, Mutt always folds headers using a tab for readability. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Thanks for your reply, y ou are experiencing this problem because of an inconsistency in the protocol for configuring your email account and you delete the IMAP account and added back in as a POP account and the folders matched.

I am glad I was able to help, feel free to mark the response above that contained the solution to make it easier for other customers to find the solution more quickly. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. John Iluck. I have the same question 1. Report abuse.


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The goal of this document is to provide comprehensive reference documentation for programmers writing tests, extension authors, and engine authors as well as build tool and IDE vendors. Unlike previous versions of JUnit, JUnit 5 is composed of several different modules from three different sub-projects. Furthermore, the platform provides a Console Launcher to launch the platform from the command line and the JUnit Platform Suite Engine for running a custom test suite using one or more test engines on the platform.

JUnit Jupiter is the combination of the programming model and extension model for writing tests and extensions in JUnit 5. The Jupiter sub-project provides a TestEngine for running Jupiter based tests on the platform.

It requires JUnit 4. JUnit 5 requires Java 8 or higher at runtime. However, you can still test code that has been compiled with previous versions of the JDK. To find out what artifacts are available for download and inclusion in your project, refer to Dependency Metadata.

To set up dependency management for your build, refer to Build Support and the Example Projects. To find out what features are available in JUnit 5 and how to use them, read the corresponding sections of this User Guide, organized by topic. To see complete, working examples of projects that you can copy and experiment with, the junit5-samples repository is a good place to start.

The junit5-samples repository hosts a collection of sample projects based on JUnit Jupiter, JUnit Vintage, and other testing frameworks. The links below highlight some of the combinations you can choose from. For Gradle and Java, check out the junit5-jupiter-starter-gradle project.

For Gradle and Kotlin, check out the junit5-jupiter-starter-gradle-kotlin project. For Gradle and Groovy, check out the junit5-jupiter-starter-gradle-groovy project. For Maven, check out the junit5-jupiter-starter-maven project. For Ant, check out the junit5-jupiter-starter-ant project. The following example provides a glimpse at the minimum requirements for writing a test in JUnit Jupiter. Subsequent sections of this chapter will provide further details on all available features.

JUnit Jupiter supports the following annotations for configuring tests and extending the framework. Unless otherwise stated, all core annotations are located in the org. Denotes that a method is a test method. Such methods are inherited unless they are overridden. Denotes that a method is a parameterized test. Denotes that a method is a test template for a repeated test.

Denotes that a method is a test factory for dynamic tests. Denotes that a method is a template for test cases designed to be invoked multiple times depending on the number of invocation contexts returned by the registered providers.

Used to configure the test class execution order for Nested test classes in the annotated test class. Such annotations are inherited. Used to configure the test instance lifecycle for the annotated test class. Declares a custom display name for the test class or test method.

Such annotations are not inherited. Declares a custom display name generator for the test class. Such methods are inherited — unless they are overridden or superseded i. Such methods are inherited — unless they are hidden , overridden , or superseded , i. Denotes that the annotated class is a non-static nested test class. On Java 8 through Java 15, BeforeAll and AfterAll methods cannot be used directly in a Nested test class unless the "per-class" test instance lifecycle is used.

Beginning with Java 16, BeforeAll and AfterAll methods can be declared as static in a Nested test class with either test instance lifecycle mode. Used to declare tags for filtering tests , either at the class or method level; analogous to test groups in TestNG or Categories in JUnit 4. Such annotations are inherited at the class level but not at the method level. Used to fail a test, test factory, test template, or lifecycle method if its execution exceeds a given duration.

Used to register extensions declaratively. Used to register extensions programmatically via fields. Such fields are inherited unless they are shadowed. Used to supply a temporary directory via field injection or parameter injection in a lifecycle method or test method; located in the org.

JUnit Jupiter annotations can be used as meta-annotations. That means that you can define your own composed annotation that will automatically inherit the semantics of its meta-annotations. For example, instead of copying and pasting Tag "fast" throughout your code base see Tagging and Filtering , you can create a custom composed annotation named Fast as follows.

Fast can then be used as a drop-in replacement for Tag "fast". You can even take that one step further by introducing a custom FastTest annotation that can be used as a drop-in replacement for Tag "fast" and Test. JUnit automatically recognizes the following as a Test method that is tagged with "fast". Test classes must not be abstract and must have a single constructor. With the exception of Test , these create a container in the test tree that groups tests or, potentially for TestFactory , other containers.

Test methods and lifecycle methods may be declared locally within the current test class, inherited from superclasses, or inherited from interfaces see Test Interfaces and Default Methods. In addition, test methods and lifecycle methods must not be abstract and must not return a value except TestFactory methods which are required to return a value.

Test classes, test methods, and lifecycle methods are not required to be public , but they must not be private. It is generally recommended to omit the public modifier for test classes, test methods, and lifecycle methods unless there is a technical reason for doing so — for example, when a test class is extended by a test class in another package. Another technical reason for making classes and methods public is to simplify testing on the module path when using the Java Module System.

The following test class demonstrates the use of Test methods and all supported lifecycle methods. JUnit Jupiter supports custom display name generators that can be configured via the DisplayNameGeneration annotation. Values provided via DisplayName annotations always take precedence over display names generated by a DisplayNameGenerator.

Generators can be created by implementing DisplayNameGenerator. Here are some default ones available in Jupiter:. Matches the standard display name generation behavior in place since JUnit Jupiter 5. Generates complete sentences by concatenating the names of the test and the enclosing classes. Note that for IndicativeSentences , you can customize the separator and the underlying generator by using IndicativeSentencesGeneration as shown in the following example. You can use the junit.

Just like for display name generators configured via the DisplayNameGeneration annotation, the supplied class has to implement the DisplayNameGenerator interface.

The default display name generator will be used for all tests unless the DisplayNameGeneration annotation is present on an enclosing test class or test interface. For example, to use the ReplaceUnderscores display name generator by default, you should set the configuration parameter to the corresponding fully qualified class name e. Similarly, you can specify the fully qualified name of any custom class that implements DisplayNameGenerator.

In summary, the display name for a test class or method is determined according to the following precedence rules:. JUnit Jupiter comes with many of the assertion methods that JUnit 4 has and adds a few that lend themselves well to being used with Java 8 lambdas. All JUnit Jupiter assertions are static methods in the org.

Assertions class. This behavior can lead to undesirable side effects if the code that is executed within the executable or supplier relies on java.

ThreadLocal storage. One common example of this is the transactional testing support in the Spring Framework. Consequently, if an executable or supplier provided to assertTimeoutPreemptively invokes Spring-managed components that participate in transactions, any actions taken by those components will not be rolled back with the test-managed transaction.

On the contrary, such actions will be committed to the persistent store e. Similar side effects may be encountered with other frameworks that rely on ThreadLocal storage. JUnit Jupiter also comes with a few assertion methods that lend themselves well to being used in Kotlin. All JUnit Jupiter Kotlin assertions are top-level functions in the org.

Even though the assertion facilities provided by JUnit Jupiter are sufficient for many testing scenarios, there are times when more power and additional functionality such as matchers are desired or required. In such cases, the JUnit team recommends the use of third-party assertion libraries such as AssertJ , Hamcrest , Truth , etc.

Developers are therefore free to use the assertion library of their choice. For example, the combination of matchers and a fluent API can be used to make assertions more descriptive and readable.

Assert class which accepts a Hamcrest Matcher. Instead, developers are encouraged to use the built-in support for matchers provided by third-party assertion libraries. The following example demonstrates how to use the assertThat support from Hamcrest in a JUnit Jupiter test. As long as the Hamcrest library has been added to the classpath, you can statically import methods such as assertThat , is , and equalTo and then use them in tests like in the assertWithHamcrestMatcher method below.

Naturally, legacy tests based on the JUnit 4 programming model can continue using org. Assert assertThat. JUnit Jupiter comes with a subset of the assumption methods that JUnit 4 provides and adds a few that lend themselves well to being used with Java 8 lambda expressions and method references. All JUnit Jupiter assumptions are static methods in the org. Assumptions class. Entire test classes or individual test methods may be disabled via the Disabled annotation, via one of the annotations discussed in Conditional Test Execution , or via a custom ExecutionCondition.



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Just copy and paste the following path into the address bar in another Explorer window:. Make sure to press Enter after you paste the path into Explorer.

Depending on what else is pinned to your taskbar, you might see shortcuts to several programs here, but you should always see a File Explorer shortcut. Now go ahead and drag the shortcut that we just created from your desktop into the special folder you have open in Explorer.

Now we have to do one last thing. If you chose a different folder than Pictures, then change whatever the name of that shortcut is to File Explorer. Now open File explorer from your taskbar and you should be viewing the contents of whichever folder you chose to be the default folder. If you want to undo what we just did above, all you have to do is right-click on Explorer in the taskbar and choose Unpin from taskbar.

After that, just drag the This PC icon from your desktop and drop it onto the taskbar again. You could use the new pinned folders feature that is associated with Quick Access. If you want to remove any of them, just right-click and choose Unpin from Quick Access.

However, if you want one click access to any folder on your computer, navigate to that folder, then right-click on Quick Access and choose Pin current folder to Quick Access. Lastly, you can also get to that pinned folder quickly by simply right-clicking on the File Explorer icon in your taskbar and choosing your pinned folder, which will show up in the jumplist. So in summary, if you want to change the default folder system-wide, you can only pick between This PC and Quick Access. If you use the second method involving the shortcut hack, then you have to use the shortcut from the taskbar.

Lastly, if you just need quick access to a folder, try using the pin to Quick Access option as that will also be system-wide and will remain in the left-hand side even as you browse through other folders. If you have any questions, post a comment.

Founder of Online Tech Tips and managing editor. I have been a believer in multiple partitions and physical disk drives for a very long time and I always have several. Unfortunately, some programs will not prompt for an installation path of choice.

Thus my efforts in the Registry. But funny bits aside, I am serious about my intentions and would really appreciate some knowledgeable input. Double click on it to change the value to your desired path. Registry disclaimer. To do so: Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully.

For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:.

Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Is there an official, Microsoft approved method of changing the default installation path for all user installed programs? You seem intent on making the operating system work in a way it was never designed to work. You must have the coolest automobile, but I wouldn't want to drive it. Thank you for your input, all parts of which are fair enough.

And, yes, maybe I am intent on that, but just maybe the OS could offer more options. And I do drive the coolest car. But seriously, I am thinking that there is speed to be gained by having the OS on one drive; and have it load programs from another. And this is the basis for my efforts; which I will now abort anyway.

Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site.

Any image, link, or discussion of nudity. Any behavior that is insulting, rude, vulgar, desecrating, or showing disrespect. Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to pirated software. Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising. Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites.

Any other inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct. Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 2 people found this reply helpful. Thank you for responding.

I will need to think about doing it again this way if at all. If I follow your lead precisely, can I assume that the Windows programs continue to work, while having my installs go to the new path? In my earlier efforts I could not even open the registry editor anymore; so could not fix the issue. And attempting to Repair from the installation medium also failed. Given the speed of today's hardware, I don't think it would make any difference performance-wise if you tried to install applications on a different partition.

No matter where you install them, applications write to the registry, which is always located on the system partition. Applications also install files onto the system partition and reference libraries on the system partition. Applications and the OS are deeply linked so it makes no sense to separate them.

It's like making newlyweds sleep on separate beds. If you want to separate your data from your software, that's a fabulous idea. Windows makes it easy to do that. And it makes sense, because if you need to restore a backup of your OS why send your personal folders back in time, and vice versa?

I have similar questions. Not sure how to get around it yet. As part of justification for 3 partition setup Microsoft has been notorious for having its own updates, or other softwares and their updates, mess up many times. Also, some executables turn out to be viruses, bcs MS is so inept at making and keeping a secure OS, as they have even given up on MS essentials and really want people to go get other companies' antivirus.

So having just the OS on the ssd, and then putting your added programs on a spinning hard drive partition and your data drive on another spinning hard drive partition, is the MAIN reason that people need this setup! On win xp and win 7, i have always run 3 partitions, and using the junctions and rededit minor changes for drive letters.

My config is C, E, G - C for win os of course, E for executables, and G for garage ie, personal data, stuffed like everyone's house garages with all my stuff, my keepsakes, etc. As an additional benefit, my disk drive i always make D like, duh! Thus, i have a c,d,e,f,g that covers all my computer needs If I get to the point of needing a pix only xhd, then of course P will come in handy. In any case, when Windows messes up and have to do reinstall at some point I'll have to reinstall programs from E, but the point is that all the exe and setup files are there on my E, and preserved, so i just start dblclicking their file names to get them reinstalled.

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  Update your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 to the latest firmware released by Samsung. So whenever there’s a new Android version available Samsung updates its phones with the latest firmware. But some case happens in your Note 3 SM-N device or So maybe you have a custom ROM installed, maybe just one on the root your device for any reason. Kenmore Dishwasher User Manual k Samsung Galaxy Note 3 User Manual Free Download Colchester Lathe Manual Download Lenovo Tab A10 70 User Manual Sky Phantom Fpv Drone User Manual Samsung Galaxy Mini 2 Gt S User Manual Casio Calculator Fx ms User Manual Ferroli Optimax He Plus 31c User Manual. Sep 27,  · In this page, the latest English version of User Manual for Galaxy Note 3 for international version of Galaxy Note 3 (SM-N, SM-N) is embedded so that you can read it without leaving this page. Due to size of the User Guide, it may take seconds for the the viewer to load the file. There is also a download link below the viewer. Check out our support resources for your Galaxy Note20 5G SM-NU to find manuals, specs, features, and FAQs. You can also register your product to gain access to Samsung's world-class customer support.    


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This Samsung application allows you to join a an online community, fallow your favorite artists, show off your 2. Read the introduction and tap Start. Page 94 To translate using your voice: Note: Access to this feature requires that you already be logged in to your Samsung account application. For Important! Using S Voice an Internet search. Example 2: 1. From the Samsung folder, tap S Voice. With hundreds of titles available, entertaining your family on-the-go has never been easier.

Page Using Samsung Hub 4. Page Samsung Link TV, streams content and even keeps account. Page Connect to continue. Tap Sign in. If prompted to log into your Samsung account, tap Sign in and follow the on-screen instructions.

Note: If the main screen still shows a Sign in box, close the application and restart it. You must setup parameters such as Samsung account password. Page 2. From the Samsung folder, tap Samsung Link. Note: You must be signed in to your Samsung Account before 6.

From the main screen, select a connected device and you can use this feature. Page Sketchbook For Galaxy 7. On a target device ex: Internet TV select the and music into a digital scrapbook. From the Samsung folder, tap Scrapbook. Tap Start and follow the on-screen tutorials.

Note: At this stage your device is requesting access to share SketchBook for Galaxy media with the external source. Page Story Album 1. From the Samsung folder, tap TripAdvisor. Click Connect to proceed. Sign in with your Samsung Account if you have not already done so. Follow the on-screen instructions to use TripAdvisor. Page Customizing Your Remote 4. Enter your current zip code and tap Done. This zip code must correspond to the location of your desired TV and 1.

From the top of the main screen, tap Remote set top box. Control Set Up Now. Page 5. From the Select your channel source screen, select the 7. When prompted to Enable IR, tap More Info to learn entry that corresponds to your current channel control how to configure your set top box to receive and method: respond to IR controls.

Sign into your Samsung account. To change channels: 1. From the Samsung folder, tap WatchON. Page Just for you tab. Page Tools Folder Tools folder Downloads Provides quick access to tabs containing a list of your current The Tools folder is a pre-defined apps folder that you can add downloaded files Internet and Other. Calculator 1. Page Voice Recorder Voice Recorder 3. Once you have located your file, tap the file name to launch the associated application. Page — 3. From the Recorded files page, press and then Recording quality: allows you to set the recording quality to select one of the following: High or Normal.

The Verizon folder is a pre-defined apps folder that you can add as a shortcut to any of your Home screens. Note: No airtime or minute charges apply when accessing From the Apps screen, tap Verizon. Note: Airtime or download charges may apply. Note: VZ Navigator requires service activation. Page Calendar Calendar 2. Tap Create event to create a new Calendar event. With this feature, you can consult the calendar by day, week, — or — or month, create events, and set an alarm to act as a reminder.

Google Calendar is built into the phone and Tap Today to display the current date indicated by a synchronizes both new and existing entries between your blue box, then press Page Calendar Settings Enabling the Handwriting mode 1. From the Apps screen, tap Calendar. Press Settings.

Tap Enable Handwriting to edit the on-screen 3. Tap View styles and select an option. Calendar by adding hand-written information. Page Camera Camera Choose from: Alert, Status bar You can take photographs and shoot video by using the notification, and Off.

Your camera produces photos in From the Home screen, tap Camera. Taking Photos — or — From the Apps screen, tap Camera. Press and then tap Settings Settings pressing the camera key.

Page 3. These are keys to zoom in or out. You can magnify the picture up saved using a Fine image quality. The background sound Options are represented by icons across both sides of the is recorded for up to 9 seconds after taking the photo. Page — Panorama: Use this to take wide panoramic photos.

For any direction. Page Camera button: takes a photo when pressed in Voice control: activate or deactivate the voice control Camera mode. Recording mode: select a resolution for videos. Not all of the following options are available in both still camera and video camera modes. Page Using The Camcorder Using the Camcorder Video viewing options In addition to taking photos, the camera also doubles as a Note: If no control icons are displayed on the screen in camcorder that also allows you to record, view, and send addition to the picture, tap anywhere on the screen to high definition videos.

For more folder. Page — Touch and hold a listed video file to place a check mark Rename: allows you to rename the filename of the currently alongside and then press for additional options: selected video. Touch and slide the Wi-Fi slider to the right to 8. Each partner including yourself must then tap Accept turn it On. Tap Wi-Fi Direct. To enable Share shot on Camera: 5. Confirm the Share Shot viewfinder is active This feature when activated via NFC allows you to beam appears at the top of the screen.

Page 7. On the source device containing the desired image or video , tap Apps Gallery. Note: If the Touch to beam screen does not display on the 2. Page 1. From the Apps screen, tap Gallery. Select a folder location ex: Camera and tap an image 1. Launch Samsung Link on the target device such as an to open it. Internet TV, Samsung Tablet, etc. Page Assigning an Image as a Contact Photo Confirm Samsung Link enabled appears in the Notification area at the top of the device to indicate you 1.

From the Home screen, tap Apps are using your device as the media source. You can edit your photos using the built-in Photo editor 2. Select a folder location and tap a file to open it. The photo editor application provides basic editing functions for pictures that you take on 3.

Page 4. Select an image area by touching and holding the Crop: allows you to crop cut-out an area of a image and then selecting an available option: photo. Page Clock Clock 6. Slide the slider bar left or right in the Alarm volume field Move the Smart alarm slider to the right to activate this to decrease or increase the alarm volume.

A sample of feature which slowly increases screen brightness and the volume level plays. Page World Clock Stopwatch Setting the Snooze Feature To activate the Snooze feature after an alarm sounds, This feature allows you to capture elapsed time while letting touch and slide to any direction. Snooze must the stopwatch keep running. Page Contacts Setting a Timer Contacts 1.

From within the Clock application, tap Timer tab. The default storage location for saving phone numbers to 2. For more into your Samsung Account to use this feature. Page Connecting MiraCast 2. To connect your MiraCast accessory: 3. Google Maps allow you to track your current location, view real-time traffic issues, and view detailed destination 1. From the Apps screen, tap Help. There is also a search tool included to help you 2.

Use any of the following Music player controls: Streams the current music file to another device using Samsung Link. Pause the song. Making a Song a Phone Ringtone Start the song after pausing.

From within the Music application, tap the Songs tab. Backspace over the default playlist title and type a new 2. Touch and hold a song entry to reveal the on-screen context menu. Page Downloading A New Google Application Downloading a New Google Application Note: Use caution with applications which request access to To download a new application, you will need to use your any personal data, functions, or significant amounts of Google account to sign in to the Play Store. The home page data usage times.

From the Home screen, tap Apps. This feature allows you to manage and remove installed applications. You can also view the amount of memory or 2. Tap the newly installed application. This application is resources used as well as the remaining memory and typically located on the last Applications page. Page S Note S Note Video Use this application to create notes with productivity tools The Video player application plays video files stored locally.

Using Video that turn handwriting into typed text and correct drawn shapes, lines, and formulas to make them perfect. The Video application plays video files stored on the SD card.

From the Apps screen, tap Video. This feature can be used during playback of supported video types using either the Gallery, Play Videos, or Video player. Page Youtube YouTube 4. As playback is initiated, locate and tap Picture-in-Picture from the bottom-right of the YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can playback screen.

Your current video is then sent to upload and share videos, and view them in MPEG-4 format. When you turn Wi- Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that provides Fi service on, your device automatically searches for nearby access to local area networks.

From the Home screen, sweep your finger downward When you turn on Wi-Fi, your device searches for available Wi-Fi connections, then displays them. From the Home screen, sweep your finger downward 2. First, enable Wi-Fi Direct on your device. From the Wi-Fi Direct is a standard that allows devices to connect to Home screen, touch Menu, then select Settings each other directly using Wi-Fi, without a Wi-Fi network or hotspot, and without having to set up the connection.

Touch Bluetooth to turn Bluetooth On or Off. Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communications technology for exchanging information over a distance of Tip: You can also turn Bluetooth On or Off on Notifications.

Page Vpn 1. From the Home screen, touch Menu, then select Settings Bluetooth. Touch Bluetooth to turn Bluetooth On. Configuring VPN Settings 3. From photos to between your device and another NFC device by beaming, documents, large video files to maps, you can share almost typically by touching the devices together back-to-back.

Network Alliance standards, over Wi-Fi. Under Advanced, touch options to control how content To share with nearby devices, you must connect to a Wi-Fi network. On your computer, choose a method for accessing your device. Available options depend on the programs Connect your device to a computer to transfer data between installed on your computer.

Use the USB cable that comes with your device, or use one of the pre-loaded apps on your 5. To prevent damage to data stored on the memory Important! Data cannot be recovered after formatting. Set up and manage wireless access points. Turning Wi-Fi On or Off 1. When you turn Wi- Settings Wi-Fi.

From the Home screen, touch Apps from a microSD card. Settings Wi-Fi. Touch Menu for additional settings: address, needed for connecting to some secured networks.

Bluetooth profiles using Wi-Fi, without a Wi-Fi network or hotspot, and without having to set up the connection. For example, your device Bluetooth profiles are specifications for services supported can use Wi-Fi Direct to share photos, contacts and other by individual devices. Page Data Usage Data usage Data usage options 1. You can Set options for network selection and data service. Depending on your service plan, changes you You can control whether devices connect to your Mobile make to mobile networks settings may incur extra From the Home screen, touch Apps Settings.

Settings Mobile Hotspot. Touch Configure for these options: or Off. After you add devices to the list, a computer that connects to your device using the USB they can scan for your device and connect using your cable, or by Bluetooth. Set a password to protect the private keys and shared Note: You must enable screen security before setting up a secrets.

Remove the check mark from the Always option to configure When Blocking mode is enabled, notifications for selected the From and To time fields. You will only receive notifications of incoming calls from people on your allowed list. Hands-free mode also allows you to select whether you answer incoming calls by waving your hand over the screen.

Page Vibration Intensity Sound Vibration intensity Volume Set the level for vibration to accompany ringtones and notifications. Set the system volume level, and set default volume for call 1.

From the Home screen, touch Apps ringtones, notifications, and media playback. Settings Sound Vibration intensity. Note: You can also set System volume from the Home screen 2. Page Ringtones Vibrations Choose a ringtone for incoming calls. Choose a vibration pattern to use when vibration is enabled. Settings Sound Vibrations. Touch a ringtone to select it.

As you touch ringtones, a 2. Page Vibrate When Ringing Default notification sound Dialing keypad tones Choose a default sound to play for notifications, such as for Keypad tones are sounds that play when you touch keys on new messages and event reminders. Page Haptic feedback Samsung keyboard sounds When turned On, the device vibrates to indicate screen You can choose whether the Samsung keyboard plays touches and other interactions.

Customize the background of the Home and Lock screens. Page LED Indicator Notification panel The LED indicator on the front of the device displays when Notification panel allows you to set the brightness of your the device is locked, to notify you of status changes and notification panel and also select the Quick Setting buttons events. Page Multi window Screen mode When enabled, Multi Window allows you to use multiple apps Choose a screen mode to match your type of viewing.

Page Smart screen 5. Touch Start now to display your choice whether your phone is docked or not. Customize screen settings so the screen is more responsive and easier to use.

Touch Select dream time to choose whether your 1. Page Font style Show battery percentage Set the font for screen displays. From the Home screen, touch Apps Settings Display Device memory, and on an installed memory card. From the Home screen, touch Apps Note: These settings cannot be configured; From the Home screen, touch Apps Settings Battery. Settings Power saving mode. View battery usage for applications and services 2.

Android SDK and install them on your device. Use Application Some apps may require one or more location services be manager to manage applications on your device. Page Access to my location E When set to On, this option lets apps that ask your E location service is standard on all mobile phones, to permission use your location information.

Page Lock Screen Lock screen My places My places allows you to store selected locations so your Choose settings for unlocking your device. When you have Face, Face and voice, Pattern, PIN, or with PIN screen lock, you can also set the With swipe lock and Password screen locks enabled, you may choose to have your device prompt you to swipe the screen before Lock screen options.

Page Security Encrypt external SD card Encryption As a security measure, you can encrypt the contents of an optional installed SD card not included , and require a As a security measure, you can encrypt the contents of your password each time you access the card. Page Passwords Device administration Make passwords visible View or disable device administrators. Some applications, such as Corporate email, may require you allow access to When enabled, password characters display briefly as you your device by device administrators in certain enter them.

From the Home screen, touch Apps Settings Security. Page Credential storage Via Wi-Fi only When you activate this feature, your phone will automatically Storage type check for changes to the security policy and download any This option allows you to select where you will back up your updates to improve security and service but only when credentials. Page Clear stored credentials and reset the password. Page Language And Input Choose the default method for entering text. From the Settings Language and input Language.

If you install other text entry apps, you can set them as default 2. Select a language from the list. Page Configure Samsung keypad settings. When you enable Samsung keyboard in Settings, it is available for text entry optionally, complete common words automatically.

Touch when you touch a text field to enter text. Page — Swype Next word prediction: When enabled, Swype predicts the 1.

From the Home screen, touch Apps next word based on the previous word. Settings Language and input. Swype is enabled by default. Touch to configure: to the Swype dictionary. Page Handwriting recognition Google voice typing Configure Google voice input settings. When you enable Configure the language you wish your phone to recognize Google voice in Settings, it is available for text entry when when you dictate text.

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